Monday, April 26, 2010


Hej hej,

I have fantastic news. I am getting a cat! I'm sure those of you (especially my mother) are thinking, 'Do you remember what happened to your other cat?' (If you were wondering .. my other cat, Neko.. was brutally murdered by an oncoming car. Tragic.) The good news is, people walk here. So the risk of getting hit by a car is LESS. Plus, Im a more mature owner now... things like that won't happen. I think I will be getting the cat from the mother of the lady who cuts my hair. The thing I'm struggling with is a name. If you have any suggestions...feel free to leave them in the comments box. I was thinking Charlie ..but, that seems like a dog name? The kitten is a boy and is black with white paws and stomach. Help me out......

This weekend is a big weekend in Sweden. I don't know what it is called, but they have big bon fires and lots of cool stuff going around the country. I will try to take some pictures with the camera that I don't have to try to give you an idea of what goes on.

Umm... other than that. OH. Almost forgot. I will be going to Estonia in 2 weeks. Some of the teachers and I booked a boat there and since I have done NO traveling what-so-ever..I figured I could see a country outside of good ol' Sweden.

One more, the sun is shining and I didn't get goosebumps walking to work. Felt fantastic. Good day to ya'll.

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