Thursday, May 6, 2010

Nipples aka Freckles

Happy Lordag,

One of the fun parts of living in a country is the many mishaps that come with the price of speaking a different language. I work at an English speaking school and to a person who speaks english as a second language sometimes the wrong words come at the wrong time. With that, this story needs to be unleashed. An unnamed teacher is cleverly thinking that she will have the students exit her class in a fun and different way. She starts off by saying, "Anyone with brown hair can go." So all the kids with brown hair leave the room. Next she says, "Anyway wearing pink may leave," and all the kids with pink leave the classroom. "All the kids with nipples may leave the classroom." Every froze. "I mean, what are those things on your face called? Freckles. I meant, freckles!!!!!" She tried to regain the sanity of her 6th grade classroom, but at this point kids were laughing to the point of tears. ****Giving you time to laugh...****** And done. Good story huh? Even better if you know the teacher. And so on............

Update on Chuck: If you are wondering who Chuck is, that's my cat. He is doing well...just a lil crazy at times. We decided to name him after Chuck Bass. Who is that? He is a character on a show called "Gossip Girl." I normally deny that I watch the show, but now that I named my cat after one of the main actors, I kinda have to own up to watching it WEEKLY. I find myself counting the days till we can download a new episode. Let's be real, everyone has a guilty pleasure. Am I right?? It's just whether or not the person is willing to declare from there blog like me. I know what my sister's is... should I spill??! Gossip magazines. (Sorry sis) The check out lane is what kills her. Gossip magazines screaming out their headlines ... she can never say no. HAHAHA! Alright, enough of throwing my sister under the bus......
Today is a beautiful day here in Sundsvall, so I'm thinking about trying out his new leash and giving him a taste of the outside world.

1 comment:

  1. LOL .. sounds like Rachel and I have the same guilty pleasure!

    The story was great .. too funny! Missing youuuuuuu :)
