Monday, June 21, 2010

Summer ...CHECK!

**Picture: My AMAZING birthday cake. Thanks Heini! ****

Nej men hej,

Summer. Officially in play. Today I experienced the first sunny day in Sweden since I have moved here (maybe that's exaggerating a little... but not really). I am officially flying out on the 29th of June. Funny because last year I can remember literally counting the days till I flew home, and this year I've been so busy with graduation, prom, end of the year team building, saying goodbye to everyone.... the list goes on and on...that it has literally creeped up on me. I have to start packing! South I come!

I am starting the countdown to 30 now. Depressing. I got a camera for my b-day, so now I can pour on the pictures... I also recently found out that some of my students at IESS are reading my blog... so sorry mom, I gotta keep it clean from now on =)

As I'm sitting here in my apartment I can't help but sweat (I know..I'm weird) with anticipation. Things I'm looking forward to: Meeting my nephew Micah (of course my other nephews as well, but I kinda haven't gotten the opportunity to say, "Hey, welcome to earth," to the lil man); seeing my sister, seeing my brothers, seeing my brother's prego wife, hugging my mom and dad fresh off the plane, going to the my family reunion, meeting John in the U.S.A, seeing Megs, Petah, Bynn, Char, Sara and her hubby, seeing my cuz KAMI and meeting her family that she has been the loving mother of for more than a year now (ugh I am a jerk), seeing my dog lexi, seeing Tom, seeing the Devout's, seeing my vermtown fam,.. .it's like a whole other life over there that I miss and it's all flooding me right now as I wipe the tears off my keyboard.

I have also started an "America List"... a list of things you just can't get in Sweden. Want to know what is at the top of my list? No, not peanut butter, CREST! I cannot live w/o crest. Yes yes they have toothpaste here, but it's just not as good as crest.

Chuck is staring at me right now.. he looks tired..actually he sleeping and it's making me jealous. If you are reading this, then I'm sure you have had a part in my life somehow. Right? So .. listen to these very important details: I am home June 29th-August 11th. We need to meet up! Bless you all...

-An Emotional Sob


  1. Hey there pretty lady! Your cousin KAMI is excited to see you, too! I can tell you, though, that she is getting fatter by the day .. and her husband is gracious enough to continually remind her that it is the baby growing, and I am not indeed getting fat. Aaahhh I picked a good one! :)

    I miss you! Let me know when you can come visit so I can get it on the calendar before the entire thing fills up!

    Love you!

  2. Hi Shannon!

    Buy something cool back home & bring it up to UmeƄ later on ;)

    I just got back to town after 2 weeks back home, had no summer whatsoever but at least I got some stuff done.

    Take care & write more often in this so called blog ;)
