Saturday, April 10, 2010

2-1....a tight one

Hey bloggas...

Bball update: WE WON! This was seriously a game to remember. Classic last second shot. Seriously. Whew. We ended up winning by one point. We were up by 1 and they scored with 14 seconds left. As you can tell from the picture...we were excited! We have to win 1 more at home... if we do we are locked into THE FINAL. If we lose, we have to play another game in Stockholm. (REALLY don't want to do that..)

Today I woke up at 10. Oh how I'm going to miss those days when school starts up next week. We had practice today from 12-13 and after that me, Vera (Serbian baller), and Anna (Swedish baller) went to Birsta (the mall) to do some fundraising for children in Africa. (Okay it was to help promote our team too, but all the kroner went to the kids. I SWEAR!) At first I was thinking, "Why am I doing this? My couch with some comfort food and Grey's Anatomy all day sounds much better than standing by the mall doors acting like a beggar!" By the end of the experience I was soooooooooo happy I had decided to help out. At first I was a little shy. I kinda know what it feels like to be a guy now. Denial is a brutal thing. I mean, when you are putting yourself out there and all you get is a "no" ... that's just downright harsh. What really kills me is the "I don't see you but I really see you." COME ON! Don't pretend that you never heard me to begin with. I would relate that one to the "Call back/Text denial"??? One thing I got to work is my "guilt trip phrases." This is how my conversation went:

Conversation #1:
ME: "Hi! Would you like to help children in Africa?"
THEM: "No."
ME: "Really?! As long as you can fall to sleep at night knowing you said no to helping children dying in Africa, that's fine by me."

Conversation #2:
ME: "Hi! Did you know that you can help children in Africa today!?"
THEM: "No."
ME: "Not today? Maybe tomorrow?!

Conversation #3:
ME: "Children. Africa. You can save them!"
THEM: "No."
ME: "Jerk."

Conversation #4:
ME: "Hi! Do you want a free balloon?!"
THEM: "No"
ME: "What?"

Just a few of the interesting conversations. Now I'm sure you're all thinking Swedes are giving because everyone of my examples said no. NOT TRUE! I think we made a big chunk of change for the children in Africa. Back home.. I'm pretty sure I would've been beaten over the head with a handbag or something if I would've pulled the stuff I pulled. Now, I need to lay my head down... and sleep... because I know I helped children in Africa.


  1. Love the Conversations part Shannon...sounds like some I would have. Take Care.

  2. You make me smile! I miss you a lot. And I love that you had goofy conversations and you saved children in Africa. You're amazing :)
