Thursday, April 8, 2010


Hej hej (swedish spelling...pronounced "hey hey")

WELP, update from the other night....WE WON! The game was actually a boring one. We managed to be up by 17 during one point in the game. Due to the fact that we only have 8 players.. we tend to get a little exhausted by the end of the game and the game and it started to get a little close. We were saved by the buzzer. We need to work on that. Anyway, today we play again in Stockholm.

Now that I have had the week off, I am falling back into my life that I had last year......NOTHING! I forgot how much I love my job! Teaching really is where I belong, sometimes you have to leave what you love in order to figure it out. Am I right? Before Easter break I was dying for a break, but now I'm ready to get back to teaching.

Speaking of leaving things you love....I MISS MY FAMILY! I cannot wait to hit up South Dakota. The other day I was watching Rachel Ray and she had the lady from Entertainment Tonight on her show. Did you know she was from South Dakota?! I found myself shouting and "whooping" at the tv when she announced it to the audience. "I'm a small town girl from South Dakota, is anyone here from South Dakota?"! The audience was completely silent...BUT NOT ME! I was screaming, shouting, and possibly even fist pumping... than realized that the large pond between us would probably keep her from hearing my cry. But I must say that again, leaving what I love has made me more proud of where I came from than EVER before. Sigh....

Game time: 7pm. I'm outtie.....


  1. Daly dose Daly dose Daly dose, hey hey!! miss u /Julia

  2. I just wrote a comment... lost it...
    wrote another one.... lost it...
    Third time's the charm...

    Just wanted to say that I hear ya cluckin, my friend. You truly do appreciate and realize the love you have for something/someone, once you've taken a step back or away (whether by choice or His choice). It's really true for all things: people, places, occupation, and yes, even food ;)

    Hope when you travel back home to see your/our fam that you make a pit stop in NY and visit this proud, small-town girl from South Dakota! ;)

  3. Someone from small town Minnesota is missing you dearly!!
